Informal Recruitment (COB)
COB stands for Continuous Open Bidding. It is an informal process that occurs in the Fall semester and following Bid Day of Formal Recruitment in the Spring semester that allows chapters to extend bids to eligible Potential New Members. It is an opportunity for chapters to reach “total,” which is the allowable chapter size determined by Panhellenic each semester. This means that not all chapters will be eligible to participate in the COB process, however, each chapter will still be allowed to talk with Potential New Members.
How Does It Work?
Chapter members may contact you to schedule a meeting time where they can get to know you and see if you are a good fit for their chapter. This is a great time to ask chapter-specific questions and make sure you, too, feel they are a good fit for you!
Each chapter has its own GPA requirement
You must be at least a second semester first-year to be eligible for COB